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Come and visit the Kingdom Come Store for a variety of resources books and
special Kingdom Come SA Merchandise. Find one of our Kingdom Come Store representatives
in a yellow hat for more information & directions.
Cash & Credit Card facilities available.
*The Kingdom Come Store will be closed during sessions.
Come and visit the Kingdom Come Store for a variety of resources books and
special Kingdom Come SA Merchandise. Find one of our Kingdom Come Store representatives
in a yellow hat for more information & directions.T
Cash & Credit Card facilities available.
*The Kingdom Come Store will be closed during sessions.

General Info
Your Lanyard is your meal ticket. Please ensure you wear your lanyard at allocated meal times.
If you lose your Lanyard, you can replace it with R150 at Info Counter (Please bring your event ticket with you as proof of purchase)
Please show your lanyard when entering and exiting the property.
Lost Property
Lost Property will be collected and kept at the Information Counter. Any items left overnight, will be placed into Lost Property.
3 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches & 4 Suppers are included.
On Sunday you will get breakfast that you can take with you.
In Case of Emergency
In case of emergency, please contact us on the Office Phone, +2711 679 4264 or +2766 479 7090 or find one of the Youth Leaders.
Boys Accomodation
Our boys will be lodged at NG Weltevreden Park, which is 1km from Breakthru.
BOYS are to arrive on Wednesday at 15h30 at Breakthru, register promptly, and be ready to depart for the accommodation venue at 16h30. Movement to and from the accommodation will be supervised and limited to specified times only.
Tuck Shop
There will be a tuck shop available for snacks and drinks during the conference. Please make sure to have some tuck shop money available should you wish to make use of the shop.
Extra merch will be available for sale on a first-come-first-served basis, as items are limited.
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